Main / of Physics and Technology / Thermal physics and technical physics / Айткожаев Абдуает Заитович

Айткожаев Абдуает Заитович

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Кафедра теплофизики и технической физики
Scopus author ID: 6506846448
File name Headline Description
Physics Workshop on Molecular Physics
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
The methodology of writing scientific articles
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Modern Problems of Science, Technology and Production
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Experimental Thermal Physics
Рhysics gas and liquid
силлабус предмета
Quality management in laboratory tests
Real Gas and Liquid
Physics Workshop on Molecular Physics
Quality management in laboratory tests
Molecular physics
Краткий курс Молекулярной физики для первого курса
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
План работы предмета процессе семестра бакалавров
Список работ и пояснение к ним
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Рhysics gas and liquid
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Real Gas and Liquid
План семинарских занятий
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Physics Workshop on Molecular Physics
Physics Workshop on Molecular Physics
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Modern Problems of Science, Technology and Production
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Physics Workshop on Molecular Physics
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Physics Workshop on Molecular Physics
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Real Gas and Liquid
Список литературы предмета
Physics Workshop on Molecular Physics
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Modern Problems of Science, Technology and Production
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Рhysics gas and liquid
Протокол экзамена
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Протокол экзамена
Рhysics gas and liquid
Инструкция по сдачи итогового экзамена
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Программа итогового экзамена
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
Программа итогового экзамена
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Платформа экзамена
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Платформа экзамена
Рhysics gas and liquid
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Вопросы для подготовки экзаменам
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Рhysics gas and liquid
Molecular physics
Программа курса
Рhysics gas and liquid
Программа курса
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Примерный список литературы
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Емтиханның бағдарламасы
Рhysics gas and liquid
запись экзамена
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Physics (Mechanics)
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Вопросы для подготовки экзамену
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Программма итогового экзамена
Practical Training in Mechanics
Вопросы для экзамена
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Программа и оценка экзамена
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Программа дисциплины
Experimental Thermal Physics
Quality management in laboratory tests
нужные литература для работы
Organization of the Еxperiment
Примерный список литературы
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Список литературы
Molecular physics
Основной и допольнителный список литературы
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Technology of Working Standards
Список литературы
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
Пәнді жақсы меңгеруге керекті әдебиеттер
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Список литературы
Real Gas and Liquid
Бақылау сұрақтары
Вопросы для контроля
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Список вопросов для экзамена
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Список вопросов
Experimental Thermal Physics
Экзаменационные вопросы
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Список литературы
Рhysics gas and liquid
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
Список литературы которые есть в библиотеке КазНУ
Molecular physics
Обеспеченность литературой
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Обеспеченность литературой
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Modern Problems of Science, Technology and Production
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
Вопросы для промежуточного экзамена
Practical Training in Mechanics
Вопросы для промежуточного контроля
Planning and processing of experimental results
Practical Training in Mechanics
Литература для работы
Physics (Mechanics)
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
Емтиханға керекті сұрақтар
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Вопросы для промежуточного экзамена
Physics (Mechanics)
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Real Gas and Liquid
Technology of Working Standards
Вопросы для рубежного контроля и экзамена
Organization of the Еxperiment
Вопросы для контроля
Quality management in laboratory tests
Вопросы для промежуточного контроля
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Қазақша қысқаша лекциялар
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Краткий курс лекций
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
Аралық бақылауға арналған сұрақтар
Molecular physics
Краткий описание основных тем
Technology of Working Standards
Краткий конспект лекций
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Quality management in laboratory tests
Краткий курс лекций
Real Gas and Liquid
Organization of the Еxperiment
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Краткий курс лекций
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Experimental Thermal Physics
Лекции для магистрантов по курсу экспериментальной теплофизики
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
Краткий курс лекций
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Краткие содержание лекций
Рhysics gas and liquid
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Краткий конспект лекций
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Краткие содержание лекций
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Лекциялардың қысқаша мазмұны
Planning and processing of experimental results
Physics (Mechanics)
Рhysics gas and liquid
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Курс лекций
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
Курс лекций
Physics (Mechanics)
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
Practical Training in Mechanics
Краткие содержание лекций
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Practical Training in Mechanics
СРС- материалы
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Modern Problems of Science, Technology and Production
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Planning and processing of experimental results
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
СРСП где даны материалы для бакалавров
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Задание ка самостоятельную проработку
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Physics (Mechanics)
Задание на СРС
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Данные для подготовки магистров самостоятельного обучения
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
План самостоятельной работы бакалавров
Organization of the Еxperiment
Самостоятельная работа бакалавров
Рhysics gas and liquid
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Методические указания для работ СРС
Technology of Working Standards
Материалы для самостоятельной работы бакалавров по рубежным контролям
Molecular physics
Самостоятельное работы бакалавров
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Спиоок работ который выполняет бакалавры
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Самостоятельные работы магистров
Technology of Working Standards
материериалы для семинарских занятий
Рhysics gas and liquid
план семинарских занятий
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
задания для семинарских занятий
Kinetic Theory of Gases
примерный план СРСП
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
Перечень работ
Real Gas and Liquid
Самостоятельные работы бакалавров по неделям
Experimental Thermal Physics
Quality management in laboratory tests
Список тем для самостоятельных проработки
Kinetic Theory of Gases
план семинаров
Quality management in laboratory tests
Перечень семинарских тем
Molecular physics
План семинарских занятий
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Семинар и лабораторные работы
Modern Problems of Science, Technology and Production
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
План семинаров
План семинара
Molecular physics
Семинарға арналған кеңес тер мен материалдар
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
План работы в семинаре
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Задания на семинарские занятий
Experimental Thermal Physics
Задания на семинар
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Planning and processing of experimental results
Molecular physics
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
Задачи для бакалавров
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Задание для семинаров
Physics (Mechanics)
План семинаров
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
план семинарских занятий
Рhysics gas and liquid
Семинарға арналған тапсырма
Molecular physics
силлабус предмета
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Practical Training in Mechanics
Материалы для семинара
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Planning and processing of experimental results
Рhysics gas and liquid
Әдіс. нұсқау ТФ ИТМО
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Әдістемелік нұсқау
Molecular physics
Семинар жүргізугу арналғаннұсқаулық
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Molecular physics
перечень лабораторных работ и описание
Real Gas and Liquid
лабораторные работы и описание
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Указание к лабораторным работам
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Указание к лабораторным и семинару
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
План работы в течение семестра
Real Gas and Liquid
физика реального газа и жидкостей
Technology of Working Standards
Технология разработки стандартов полный охват материалов и самостоятельные работы а также список литературы
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
краткое описание курса
Molecular physics
Силлабус предмета Молекулярная физика все нужные бакалаврам материалы
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Силлабус предмета
Organization of the Еxperiment
План работы по предмету
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Силлабус предмета
Experimental Thermal Physics
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Планы самостоятельных работ
Molecular physics
Где даны все данные для работы бакалавра
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Technology of Working Standards
Силлабус предмета где даны все необходимое данные
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Силлабус предмета
Organization of the Еxperiment
Силлабус предмета где есть все материалы для бакалавра
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Пәннің силлабусы
Organization of the Еxperiment
Силлабус предмета где есть темы лекционных,практических и лабораторные занятий
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Силлабус предмета Планирование и организация эксперимента
Experimental Thermal Physics
Силлабус предмета где даны все неоходимые материалы
Силлабус предмета
Силлабус предмета
Organization of the Еxperiment
Силлабус предмета
Real Gas and Liquid
Силлабус предмета для бакалавров где есть все нужные информация для обучения
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Силлабус предмета, а также задания семинаров и самостоятельных работ бакалавров
Technology of Working Standards
Cиллабус предмета темы самостоятельных работ литература
Molecular physics
Силлабус предмета где есть все нужные материалы для бакалавров
Real Gas and Liquid
Силлабус предмета где имеется все информация нужные бакалаврам
Рhysics gas and liquid
Силлабус предмета где даны все информация
Quality management in laboratory tests
Данные для бакалавров информация по данному предмету
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Силлабус предмета где даны все информация о предмета
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Силлабус предмета где даны все информация нужных для магистров
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
Силлабус предмета где даны все необходимое информация для магистрантов
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Пәннің силлабусы
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Силлабус предмета
Experimental Thermal Physics
Силлабус предмета
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
Силлабус предмета где даны все материалы
Рhysics gas and liquid
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Силлабус предмета
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Материалы для работы магистров
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Practical Training in Mechanics
Силлабус для практических работ для бакалавров
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Molecular physics
Где есть все материалы для бакалавров
Рhysics gas and liquid
The theory and technique of scientific experiment
Силлабус предмета
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Силлабус предмета
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Quality management of technological processes
Силлабус предмета
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Cиллабус предмета
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Здесь даны материалы нужные магистранту для работы
Рhysics gas and liquid
Где даны все материалы необходимые магистранту для работы
Рhysics gas and liquid
Где даны все материалы для работы магистрантов
Molecular physics
Силлабус предмета где даны все необходимые данные для бакалавра
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Силлабус предмета где даны все необходимые материалы
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Силлабус предмета где даны все материалы для работы
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Силлабус предмета где даны все материалы для магистров для работы
Experimental Thermal Physics
Магистрлерге керекті материалдар берілген
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Силлабус предмета где даны все необходимое для бакалавров
Theoretical and practical basis of thermophysical measurements
Силлабус предмета
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Planning and processing of experimental results
Силлабус предмета
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Силлабус предмета
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Силлабус предмета
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Physics (Mechanics)
Силлабус предмета
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Силлабус предмета
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
Силлабус где даны все материалы для магистров
Рhysics gas and liquid
Рhysics gas and liquid
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Рhysics gas and liquid
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Practical Training in Mechanics
материалы для студентов
Modern Problems of Science, Technology and Production
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Experimental Thermal Physics
Вопросы для промежуточного экзамена
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Methods of Writing Scientific Articles
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Силлабус предмета где даны все материалы для магистров
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Силлабус предмета где даны все материалы для бакалавров
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Molecular physics
перевод основных физических величин
Technology of Working Standards
Толковый словарь терминов
Real Gas and Liquid
определение понятий
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Theory and Techniques of A Scientific Experiment
Материалы для магистров
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Вопросы для промежуточного контроля
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Вопросы для промежуточного контроля
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories
Вопросы для поверки знаний бакалавров
Organization of the Еxperiment
Planning and Оrganization of the Еxperiment
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Вопросы для подготовки к экзаменам
Quality management in laboratory tests
Efficient waste management in manufacturing
Experimental Thermal Physics
Магистрлерге керекті барлық материалдар
Molecular physics
Вопросы для сдачи экзамена
Molecular physics
Волросы для рубехного контроля
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Вопросы для рубежного контроля
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
вопросы для подготовки для экзамена
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
дополнительный материал
срс предмета
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Силлабус предмета где даны все материалы для работы магистров
Physics (Mechanics)
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Mechanics and Molecular Physics. Part 2. Molecular Physics
Рhysics gas and liquid
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Planning and processing of experimental results
The methodology of writing scientific articles
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Вопросы для промежуточного контроля
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Рhysics gas and liquid
Molecular Physics
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
Перечь работ для самостоятельной проработки
The criteria and rules for writing scientific articles
Quality control of laboratory tests
Силлабус предмета
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
Methods of Research in Heat Power Engineering
Силлабус предмета
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Силлабус предмета где даны все информаций о предмета
Experimental Thermal Physics
Molecular Physics
Methods of Research in Heat Power Engineering
Силлабус предмета
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Силлабус предмета
Real Gas and Liquid
Силлабус предмета где даны исчерпывающие ответы на все вопросы бакалавра
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Силлабус предмета где даны все нужные информация о предмете
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Силлабус предмета
Рhysics gas and liquid
Силлабус предмета где даны все необходимое информация о предмете
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Силлабус предмета
Experimental Thermal Physics
силлабус для курса экспериментальной теплофизики
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Силлабус на русском языке
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Technology and Оrganization Оf Рroduction and Services
русский вариант
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Силлабус предмета и самостоятельная работа магистров
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Molecular Physics
Methods of Research in Heat Power Engineering
Список литературы
Quality control of laboratory tests
Molecular Physics
Experimental Thermal Physics
Experimental Thermal Physics
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
План семинарских занятий
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
семинарские занятие для магистрантов и лекций СРСП
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
План семинара
Experimental Thermal Physics
Семинары для курса экспериментальной теплофизики
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
План семинарских и СРСП
Рhysics gas and liquid
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Спистьок работ который магистр сам должен готовить
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
Experimental Thermal Physics
Molecular Physics
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
План самостоятельных работ магистранта
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Quality control of laboratory tests
Перечень самостоятельных работ
Methods of Research in Heat Power Engineering
Темы для самостоятельной работы магистрантов
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Molecular Physics
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Quality control of laboratory tests
Краткий курс лекций
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Остатки лекций 13б14б15
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Конспект лекций
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Вопросы для рубежного контроля
Real Gas and Liquid
Вопросы для промежуточного контроля
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Краткий курс лекций
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Вопросы для экзамена
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Practical Training in Molecular Physics
Вопросы,задачи для промежуточного экзамена
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Experimental Methods in Thermal Physics
Литература в библиотеке КазНУ
Quality control of laboratory tests
Список литературы
Methods of Research in Heat Power Engineering
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Molecular Physics
Data-acquisition and managing systems of thermal apparatuses
Список литературы
Experimental Thermal Physics
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Вопросы для экзамена
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The methodology of writing scientific articles
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
The Theory and Technique of Scientific Experiment
вопросы для контрольного экзамена
Experimental Thermal Physics
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Norms Control of Technical Documentation
Список литературы предмета
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Molecular Physics
Fundamentals of physics of real gas and liquid
Foundations of Physics of a real gas and liquid
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers
The Methodology and Technology of Writing Scientific Papers


Айткожаев Абдуает ЗаитовичНурмуханова А.З. Жоғары мүмкіндікті хромато-массалар-спектрометриясына талдау 2016 - г. 3 - стр. 114


Айткожаев Абдуает ЗаитовичНурмуханова А.З. 2016 - г. 5 - стр. 113


Айткожаев Абдуает ЗаитовичНурмуханова А.З. 2016 - г. 6 - стр. 113


Айткожаев Абдуает ЗаитовичНурмуханова А.З. Түрлі заттарды өлшеу және сақтау үшін арналған хромато-массалар-cпектрометрикалық құрылғыны талдау 2016 - г. 2 - стр. 114


Айткожаев Абдуает ЗаитовичАсембаева М.К., Нурмуханова А.З., Оспанова Ш.С. Сапа менеджмент жүйелерін талдау 2017 - г. 3 - стр. 119
Author Documents



2 по 2



Diffusion in gas mixtures containing the components of the synthesis of ammonia

Zhavrin, Y.I., Kosov, V.N., Kul'zhanov, D.U., Karataeva, K.K., Aitkozhaev, A.Z.


Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal
74, с. 133-136



Instruments and experimental techniques New York
28, с. 1214-1216

